Function indyrs::anoncreds::prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req[][src]

pub fn prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req(
    wallet_handle: WalletHandle,
    proof_request_json: &str,
    extra_query_json: Option<&str>
) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = CommandHandle, Error = IndyError>>
Expand description

Search for credentials matching the given proof request.

Instead of immediately returning of fetched credentials this call returns search_handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with fetch_credentials_for_proof_req).


  • wallet_handle: wallet handle (created by Wallet::open_wallet).
  • proof_request_json: proof request json { “name”: string, “version”: string, “nonce”: string, - a decimal number represented as a string (use generate_nonce function to generate 80-bit number) “requested_attributes”: { // set of requested attributes “<attr_referent>”: <attr_info>, // see below …, }, “requested_predicates”: { // set of requested predicates “<predicate_referent>”: <predicate_info>, // see below …, }, “non_revoked”: Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below, // If specified prover must proof non-revocation // for date in this interval for each attribute // (can be overridden on attribute level) “ver”: Optional - proof request version: - omit to use unqualified identifiers for restrictions - “1.0” to use unqualified identifiers for restrictions - “2.0” to use fully qualified identifiers for restrictions }
  • extra_query_json: (Optional) List of extra queries that will be applied to correspondent attribute/predicate: { “<attr_referent>”: , “<predicate_referent>”: , } where wql query: indy-sdk/doc/design/011-wallet-query-language/

where attr_referent: Proof-request local identifier of requested attribute attr_info: Describes requested attribute { “name”: string, // attribute name, (case insensitive and ignore spaces) “restrictions”: Optional<filter_json>, // see above “non_revoked”: Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below, // If specified prover must proof non-revocation // for date in this interval this attribute // (overrides proof level interval) } predicate_referent: Proof-request local identifier of requested attribute predicate predicate_info: Describes requested attribute predicate { “name”: attribute name, (case insensitive and ignore spaces) “p_type”: predicate type (Currently “>=” only) “p_value”: int predicate value “restrictions”: Optional<filter_json>, // see above “non_revoked”: Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below, // If specified prover must proof non-revocation // for date in this interval this attribute // (overrides proof level interval) } non_revoc_interval: Defines non-revocation interval { “from”: Optional, // timestamp of interval beginning “to”: Optional, // timestamp of interval ending }


  • search_handle: Search handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with fetch_credentials_for_proof_req)