Crate indicate

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Library for cargo-indicate, providing a way to query dependencies across different sources of information such as metadata, GitHub etc.

Queries are written using trustfall, a query engine for writing queries across data sources. Currently only GraphQL-like schemas are available. The following is the schema used that can be used to construct queries. Note that only the directives provided here can be used.


The following code is automatically included from the src/schema.trustfall.graphql file

# This is not truly a GraphQL file; Instead it is a GraphQL representation of
# the types provided by `indicate`.

# _This is the single source of truth for `indicate`. Any deviation from it is
# to be considered a bug._

# This is the currently supported Trustfall directives. They are handled by the
# Trustfall engine.
schema {
    query: RootQuery
directive @filter(
    Name of the filter operation to perform.
    op: String!
    List of string operands for the operator.
    value: [String!]
directive @tag(
    Name to apply to the given property field.
    name: String
) on FIELD
directive @output(
    What to designate the output field generated from this property field.
    name: String
) on FIELD
directive @optional on FIELD
directive @recurse(
    Recurse up to this many times on this edge. A depth of 1 produces the
    current vertex and its immediate neighbors along the given edge.
    depth: Int!
) on FIELD
directive @fold on FIELD
directive @transform(
    Name of the transformation operation to perform.
    op: String!
) on FIELD

This is the actual types that can be used to create queries.

type RootQuery {
    RootPackage: Package!
    Dependencies(includeRoot: Boolean!): [Package!]!

    Dependencies that are indirect dependencies of the root package;
    excluding direct dependencies that are _only_ direct dependencies, and
    appear nowhere else in the dependency tree
    TransitiveDependencies: [Package!]!

# See `cargo_metadata::Package`
type Package {
    id: ID!,
    name: String!,
    version: String!,
    license: String
    keywords: [String!]!
    categories: [String!]!
    manifestPath: String!
    sourcePath: String!

    # This is expensive, due to crawler policy
    cratesIo: CratesIoStats!

    repository: Webpage

    # All parameters except `ignorePaths` is exactly the same as `tokei::Config`
        # If any patterns should be ignored, defaults to an empty list.
        ignoredPaths: [String!],
        # To target only some patterns. Defaults to all. If used,
        # `ignoredPaths` is still applied
        includedPaths: [String!],
        hidden: Boolean,
        noIgnore: Boolean,
        noIgnoreParent: Boolean,
        noIgnoreDot: Boolean,
        noIgnoreVcs: Boolean,
        treatDocStringsAsComments: Boolean,
        types: [String!] # Types of languages to be included in report
    ): [LanguageCodeStats!]!
    dependencies: [Package!]!
    # For arch and OS, see `platforms::target`
    # For severity, see `rustsec::advisory::Severity`
        includeWithdrawn: Boolean!,
        arch: String,
        os: String,
        minSeverity: String
    ): [Advisory!]!
    geiger: GeigerUnsafety

type CratesIoStats {
    totalDownloads: Int
    recentDownloads: Int
    versionDownloads: Int
    versionsCount: Int
    yanked: Boolean # If this version is yanked from
    yankedVersions: [String!]
    yankedVersionsCount: Int
    yankedRatio: Float # yanked versions count / versions count

# Data from tokei, shared between `Language` and `CodeStats`
interface CodeStats {
    # Name of the language
    language: String!
    # Total number of files
    files: Int!
    # Total number of lines
    lines: Int!
    # Total number of blank lines
    blanks: Int!
    # Total number of lines of code
    code: Int!
    # Number of lines of comments
    comments: Int!
    # Lines of comments / lines of code
    commentsToCode: Float!

# `tokei::Language`
type LanguageCodeStats implements CodeStats {
    # From CodeStats
    language: String!
    files: Int!
    lines: Int!
    blanks: Int!
    code: Int!
    comments: Int!
    commentsToCode: Float!

    # From `tokei::Languge::summarize()`
    summary: LanguageCodeStats!
    # If this language had problem with parsing
    inaccurate: Boolean!

    # Code contained in this
    children: [LanguageBlob!]!

# `tokei::CodeStats.blobs`
type LanguageBlob implements CodeStats {
    # From CodeStats
    language: String!
    files: Int!
    lines: Int!
    blanks: Int!
    code: Int!
    comments: Int!
    commentsToCode: Float!

    # Merge this with all child blobs to create new `CodeStats`
    # (`tokei::CodeStats::summarize()`)
    summary: LanguageBlob!

    # Blobs of code contained within this one
    blobs: [LanguageBlob!]!

type GeigerUnsafety {
    # `used` refers to code used by the `RootPackage`
    used: GeigerCategories!
    unused: GeigerCategories!

    # used + unused
    total: GeigerCategories!
    forbidsUnsafe: Boolean!

type GeigerCategories {
    functions: GeigerCount!
    exprs: GeigerCount!
    item_impls: GeigerCount!
    item_traits: GeigerCount!
    methods: GeigerCount!

    # ( + + ...), (functions.unsafe + ...)
    total: GeigerCount!

type GeigerCount {
    safe: Int!
    unsafe: Int!
    # safe + unsafe
    total: Int!
    percentageUnsafe: Float!

interface Webpage {
    url: String!

interface Repository implements Webpage {
    url: String!

type GitHubRepository implements Repository & Webpage {
    # From Repository and Webpage
    url: String!

    owner: GitHubUser
    name: String!
    starsCount: Int!
    forksCount: Int!

    # This is the sum of open issues and open PRs
    openIssuesCount: Int!
    watchersCount: Int!
    # If the issues page is available for this repository
    hasIssues: Boolean!
    archived: Boolean!
    # If this is a fork
    fork: Boolean!

type GitHubUser {
    username: String!
    email: String!
    unixCreatedAt: Int
    followersCount: Int!

# Partly flattened `rustsec::advisory::Advisory`
type Advisory {
    # These fields are flattened out of `rustsec::advisory::Metadata`

    id: String!
    title: String!
    description: String!
    unixDateReported: Int!
    severity: String
    # These are provided by `rustsec::advisory::Affected`
    # They may be empty, so a `None` means that we do not know
    affectedArch: [String!]
    affectedOs: [String!]
    affectedFunctions: [AffectedFunctionVersions!]
    # These are provided by `rustsec::advisory::Versions`
    patchedVersions: [String!]!
    unaffectedVersions: [String!]!
    # If it was reported in error, this will indicate when it was withdrawn
    unixDateWithdrawn: Int
    #cvss: CvssBase # TODO: Add when Trustfall supports enums

# `Map<FunctionPath, Vec<VersionReq>>` from `rustsec::advisory::Affected`
type AffectedFunctionVersions {
    functionPath: String!
    versions: [String!]!





  • Features to create metadata with Cargo features flags
  • Qualitative Severity Rating Scale

