macro_rules! create_indexed_valued_enum {
        $visibility:vis enum $enum_name:ident valued as $value_type:ty;
        $($(#[$variants_metadata:meta])* $variants:ident, $values:expr
            $(;unnamed_field_initializers $($unnamed_field_initializers:expr),+)?
            $(;named_field_initializers $($named_field_name:ident $named_field_value:expr),+)?
        ),+ $(,)?
    ) => { ... };
        impl traits $enum_name:ident $value_type:ty; $($variants:ident, $values:expr
            $(;unnamed_field_initializers $($unnamed_field_initializers:expr),+ ;)?
            $(;named_field_initializers $($named_field_name:ident $(:)? $named_field_value:expr),+ ;)?
    ) => { ... };
    (process features $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; $($features:tt);*) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; Delegators) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; ValueToVariantDelegators) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; DerefToValue) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; Clone) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; Serialize) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; Deserialize) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; NanoSerBin) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; NanoDeBin) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; SerJson) => { ... };
    (process feature $enum_name:ident, $value_type:ty; NanoDeJson) => { ... };
Expand description

Produces an enum implementing the Indexed and Valued traits, meaning the enum’s variants can produce unique numbers of usize to identify each variant through Indexed::discriminant, and get back those variants through Indexed::from_discriminant, and similar to it, each variant has a value that can be taken from Valued::value, where the variant can be taken back* from that value through Valued::value_to_variant.

*Just if the value isn’t repeated.

Being a macro by rules, you only need to follow this pattern:

     Your metadata //Like ‘#[derive(…)]’, this is optional
     ##[features(Feature1, Feature2, …)] // this is optional, but it needs two octothorpes
     Visibility enum Enum’s name values as TypeOfValue;

     Variant1’s metadata //this is optional
     Variant1, Value1,

     Variant2’s metadata //this is optional
     Variant2, Value2,


     VariantN’s metadata //this is optional
     VariantN, ValueN

On each of these fields you can indicate different parameters to change the implementation of the enum:

  • EnumsName: Name the enum will have.
  • TypeOfValue: type of the values the variant’s resolve to.
  • Pairs of Variant, Value: Name of the variant’s to create along to the name they resolve to, the values must be const and have ’static lifetime.
  • Features: List of specific implementations you want your enum to use, see the section
  • Features: List of specific implementations you want your enum to use, you can find a list of them in the documentation of crate -> Section: Extra features.

Note: You can write metadata (Such as #[derive(…)]) before each pair of Variant, Value, and also before the enum, but it is required that the ##[features(…)] is the last of the metadatas as this is not another metadata (hence the double hashtag to denote it)/// A simple example would look like:

use indexed_valued_enums::create_indexed_valued_enum;

create_indexed_valued_enum! {
    //Defines the enum and the value type it resolves to
    pub enum MyOtherNumber valued as &'static str;
    //Defines every variant and their value, note that values must be const
    Zero, "Zero position",
    First, "First position",
    Second, "Second position",
    Third,  "Third position"

A more complex example would look like:

use indexed_valued_enums::create_indexed_valued_enum;

create_indexed_valued_enum! {
    #[doc="This is a custom enum that can get values of &'static str!"]
    //This enum derives certain traits, although you don't need to write this
    #[derive(Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
    //Gives a list of features that are decomposed functions for specific behaviours, you have
    //more details about them down below
    ##[features(Clone, DerefToValue, Delegators, ValueToVariantDelegators)]
    //Defines the enum and the value type it resolves to
    pub enum MyOtherNumber valued as &'static str;
    //Defines every variant and their value, note that values must be const
    Zero, "Zero position",
    First, "First position",
    Second, "Second position",
    Third,  "Third position"