Crate include_assets

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include_assets in your executable

This crate provides convenient ways to include assets (arbitrary files) in a Rust executable. It’s like std::include_bytes! but works for multiple files.

Files are collected into archives, which are compressed at compile time and can be decompressed at runtime. Archives are “solid”: Instead of compressing each asset independently, assets are first concatenated, then compressed as a whole. As far as I’m aware, this crate is the only which does this! Solid compression leads to smaller sizes since the compression algorithm can take advantage of redundancy between files. However, all assets must be decompressed at once - if your assets cannot completely fit into main memory at the same time, or startup time is an issue, don’t use this crate!

Potential use cases are:

  • games shipping with fonts, sprites/textures, sounds, &c.,
  • webservers serving static content (HTML templates, pictures, &c.),
  • installers, or
  • self-extracting archives.

Include an asset directory and look up data by path name

Arguably the more straightforward approach. Include an asset directory using the include_dir! macro. Load (decompress) it at runtime using NamedArchive::load.

Once loaded, use NamedArchive::get or &archive["asset name"] to look up asset data by name, or iterate through all assets with NamedArchive::assets.

use include_assets::{NamedArchive, include_dir};

let archive = NamedArchive::load(include_dir!("assets"));
let hello_asset = archive.get("hello.txt").unwrap(); // Panics at runtime if the asset isn't present!
assert_eq!(hello_asset, b"Hello, world!");
println!("{} assets were included", archive.number_of_assets());

For more examples, see include_dir!.

Include assets and look up data by enum variant

A perhaps less intuitive approach with advantages and disadvantages to the previous one. Declare an enumeration with one variant for each asset, and #[derive(AssetEnum)] with annotations for the (compile-time) path of the asset. At runtime, load (decompress) the asset archive with the derived load method for your enum. Look up asset data by enum variant using indexing. Transform raw asset data using EnumArchive::map and EnumArchive::try_map.

use include_assets::EnumArchive;

#[archive(base_path = "assets")]
enum Asset {
    #[asset(path = "hello.txt")]
    #[asset(path = "unused.txt")]
    Unused, // Unused asset causes a compile-time warning!

let archive = EnumArchive::<Asset>::load();
let hello_asset = &archive[Asset::Hello]; // Presence of asset is ensured at compile time!
assert_eq!(hello_asset, b"Hello, world!");

let strings =|data| std::str::from_utf8(data).unwrap().to_owned());
assert_eq!(&strings[Asset::Hello], "Hello, world!");

As indicated by the code comments, this method has the advantage that use of assets is checked at compile time. Assets that are not present cannot be used, and unused assets cause compile-time warnings.

On the other hand, assets have to be declared manually, and cannot be iterated over. (A map function is provided though.)

For more examples, see EnumArchive.

Build script

It is probably a good idea to tell Cargo to rebuild the executable whenever an asset changes. This can be achieved with a such as:

fn main() {


The macros that include assets have a few optional arguments. These options must always be specified in the form of a identifier = literal assignment, where identifier is one of the following values:

  • compression: Specifies the compression algorithm to be used. The default choice depends on crate features and is not bound by semver. It attempts to strike a balance between compression speed, decompression speed, and size reduction. The following values are potentially allowed:
    • "zstd" (requires feature zstd),
    • "lz4" (requires feature lz4),
    • "deflate" (requires feature deflate), and
    • "uncompressed". This option should generally not be used except for assets which are already compressed (e.g. JPEG/PNG/FLAC).
  • level: Compression level parameter. Meaning and allowed values depend on the chosen compression algorithm. Default values are unspecified and not bound by semver.
    • for compression = "zstd": Smaller values are generally faster with worse compression quality. “Normal” compression levels are 1..=19, “high” compression levels are 20..=22, negative values signify “fast” compression levels.
    • for compression = "lz4": This argument is not allowed.
    • for compression = "deflate": Levels are in 1..=10. Smaller values are generally faster with marginally worse compression quality.
    • for compression = "uncompressed": This argument is not allowed.
  • links: Specifies behaviour when a symbolic link is encountered. This option is only available for the include_dir! macro. Valid values are:
    • links = "forbid": A compilation error is generated when a symbolic link is encountered. This is the default behaviour.
    • links = "ignore": Symbolic links are ignored. If the link points (directly or indirectly) to a file, this file is not included via the link. If the link points to a directory, files in the directory are not included via the link.
    • links = "follow": Symbolic links are treated as if they were the target directory or file.


At runtime, main memory needs to be big enough to hold all assets at the same time in compressed and uncompressed form. At compile time, main memory needs to be big enough to hold all assets at the same time in compressed form and twice in uncompressed form. (It would be possible to optimize compile time memory use, but if you can only barely compile it, users probably can’t run it.)

The total size of each asset archive cannot exceed u32::MAX (4 GiB). Each asset archive can contain at most u32::MAX (roughly 4e9) distinct assets. If your use case exceeds these limits, reconsider if this is really the right approach.

usize is required to be at least 32 bits wide.


  • Include all files in a directory in compressed form. At runtime, the files can be decompressed and their contents looked up by relative path name.


Derive Macros