[][src]Macro include_sql::include_sql

include_sql!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Includes SQL from the provided file.

This macro needs 2 arguments:

  • Path to the SQL file. The path should be defined relative to the package root.
  • Prefix that will the database interface uses to tag positional SQL parameters. For example, it would be "?" for SQLite, "$" for Postgresql or ":" for Oracle.

There is an additional requirement. The code generated by the include-sql assumes that the database interface has defined and implementatedsome trait to convert argument values into a format suitable for sending to the database. The genrated code expects that that trait is called ToSql and thus this database specfic trait must be imported by a module as ToSql.

For example, with rusqlite one need to:

use rusqlite::types::ToSql;

With rust-postgres:

use postgres::types::ToSql;

With rust-oracle:

use oracle::ToSql;

And with oci_rs:

use oci_rs::types::ToSqlValue as ToSql;

For each of the statements found in the SQL file include-sql will generate:

  • &str constant with the text of the preprocessed SQL - named parameters will be replaced by numbered positional ones
  • struct that will be used to convert query arguments from a named into a positional form
  • a macro to transparently convert the argument struct into an argument slice when the struct cannot be used directly


Execution of queries with a dynamic IN (:list) component:

-- name: select_ship_crew_by_rank
-- Selects sailors of a given ship that also have
-- specific ranks
SELECT id, name, rank
  FROM sailors
 WHERE ship_id = :ship
   AND rank IN (:ranks)

Query execution in Oracle:


  let (sql, args) = SelectShipCrewByRank {
      ship:  &ship_id,
      ranks: &[ &"captain" as &ToSql, &"midshipman" ]

  let rows = conn.query(&sql, &args)?;
  for row in &rows {
      let row = row?;

      let id : i32     = row.get(0)?;
      let name: String = row.get(1)?;
      let rank: String = row.get(2)?;

      println!(" - {} {}, ID: {}", rank, name, id);