Crate include_merkle

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Represents a pattern matched include directive.
Represents a particular include file.
Represents the payload for a node in the graph.


Compute a Sha256 + Base58 encoded identity for a data slice.
Get a dot/graphviz representation of the graph.
Get a flat vector of IncludeNode instances in no specific order.
Print the graph as a tree view to stdout.
Parse the specified text to extract all relative and absolute include directives. See:
Check if a given path exists on the file system.
Strip the working directory prefix from an include file path
Convert a path into a string
Read a file in its entirety into a byte vector.
Extract resolved include directives from the specified text.
Traverse the graph in order to construct the structure and meta data.
Traverse the graph in order to flatten the text for the root node.
Traverse the graph in order to patch in Merkle identities for all include directives.

Type Definitions