Crate ina3221

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Embedded driver for the INA3221 current and power monitor

Provides a platform agnostic driver for the INA3221 triple-channel current and power monitor that can be used with any embedded-hal v1.0 blocking I2C implementation.



  • Represents a current value, stored as whole microamps (μA). This value can only be positive.
  • Device driver for the INA3221 current and power monitor
  • Represents status and configuration flags for alerts
  • Represents a resistance value, stored as whole milliohms (mΩ). This value can only be positive.
  • Represents a voltage value, stored as whole microvolts (μV). This value can be positive or negative.



  • Extension trait for simple short-hands for creating Current values from f32 values.
  • Extension trait for simple short-hands for creating Current values from u32 values.
  • Extension trait for simple short-hands for creating Resistance values from f32 values.
  • Extension trait for simple short-hands for creating Resistance values from u32 values.
  • Extension trait for simple short-hands for creating Voltage values from f32 values.
  • Extension trait for simple short-hands for creating Voltage values from i32 values.