Module imxrt_hal::pwm[][src]

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Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

Provides an implementation of embedded_hal::Pwm for iMXRT PWM submodules. The flow follows

  • Enable clocks to the selected PWM peripheral by calling clock() on an Unclocked struct. The return is a PWM type that provides a register handle and PWM submodules
  • Turn submodules into Pins by supplying two processor pins to output. The return is a Pins struct that wraps the two pins. The Pins struct are inert; they’re simply a handle that can provide PWM control. Call control() and pass in a Handle, to acquire a Controller.
  • Controller implements embedded_hal::Pwm. It lets you set PWM duty cycles. Once you’re done setting duty cycles, drop the Controller.


use imxrt_hal;
use imxrt_hal::pwm::Channel;
use embedded_hal::Pwm;

let mut p = imxrt_hal::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

let (_, ipg_hz) =
        .set_arm_clock(imxrt_hal::ccm::PLL1::ARM_HZ, &mut p.ccm.handle, &mut p.dcdc);

let mut pwm2 = p.pwm2.clock(&mut p.ccm.handle);

let mut sm2 = pwm2
        &mut pwm2.handle,
        imxrt_hal::pwm::Timing {
            clock_select: imxrt_hal::ccm::pwm::ClockSelect::IPG(ipg_hz),
            prescalar: imxrt_hal::ccm::pwm::Prescalar::PRSC_5,
            switching_period: core::time::Duration::from_micros(1000),

let (duty1, duty2) = (core::u16::MAX / 4, core::u16::MAX / 2);
let mut ctrl = sm2.control(&mut pwm2.handle);

ctrl.set_duty(Channel::A, duty1);
ctrl.set_duty(Channel::B, duty2);


A PWM controller, which implements

PWM peripheral handle

A PWM peripheral

A pair of submodule PWM pins

A PWM submodule

Specifies the timing-related parameters for a PWM submodule

A PWM peripheral that is not receiving a clock input


A PWM pin channel