icu_datagen 0.5.0

Generate data for ICU4X DataProvider
icu_datagen-0.5.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: icu_datagen-1.5.0


icu_datagen contains command-line tools to generate and process ICU4X data.

The tools include:

  1. icu4x-datagen: Read source data (CLDR JSON) and dump ICU4X-format data.
  2. icu4x-testdata-download: Download fresh CLDR JSON for testdata.
  3. icu4x-key-extract: Extract ResourceKey objects present in a compiled executable.

More details on each tool can be found by running --help.


Generate ICU4X Postcard blob (single file) for all keys and all locales:

# Run from the icu4x project folder
$ cargo run --bin icu4x-datagen -- \
    --cldr-tag 39.0.0 \
    --all-keys \
    --all-locales \
    --format blob \
    --out /tmp/icu4x_data/icu4x_data.postcard

Extract the keys used by an executable into a key file:

# Run from the icu4x project folder
$ cargo build --example work_log --release
$ cargo make icu4x-key-extract \
    target/release/examples/work_log \
$ cat /tmp/icu4x_data/work_log+keys.txt

Generate ICU4X JSON file tree from the key file for Spanish and German:

# Run from the icu4x project folder
$ cargo run --bin icu4x-datagen -- \
    --cldr-tag 39.0.0 \
    --key-file /tmp/icu4x_data/work_log+keys.txt \
    --locales es \
    --locales de \
    --out /tmp/icu4x_data/work_log_json

More Information

For more information on development, authorship, contributing etc. please visit ICU4X home page.