Expand description

Display fields that can be filled with text.

A TextInput has some local State.


pub use cursor::Cursor;


Track the cursor of a text input.


The appearance of a text input.
The identifier of a TextInput.
The state of a TextInput.
A field that can be filled with text.
The value of a TextInput.


A set of rules that dictate the style of a text input.


Draws the TextInput with the given Renderer, overriding its Value if provided.
Produces a Command that focuses the TextInput with the given Id.
Computes the layout of a TextInput.
Computes the current mouse::Interaction of the TextInput.
Produces a Command that moves the cursor of the TextInput with the given Id to the provided position.
Produces a Command that moves the cursor of the TextInput with the given Id to the end.
Produces a Command that moves the cursor of the TextInput with the given Id to the front.
Produces a Command that selects all the content of the TextInput with the given Id.
Processes an Event and updates the State of a TextInput accordingly.