Trait iced_audio::style::knob::StyleSheet[][src]

pub trait StyleSheet {
    fn active(&self) -> Style;
fn hovered(&self) -> Style;
fn dragging(&self) -> Style; fn angle_range(&self) -> KnobAngleRange { ... }
fn tick_marks_style(&self) -> Option<TickMarksStyle> { ... }
fn value_arc_style(&self) -> Option<ValueArcStyle> { ... }
fn mod_range_arc_style(&self) -> Option<ModRangeArcStyle> { ... }
fn mod_range_arc_style_2(&self) -> Option<ModRangeArcStyle> { ... }
fn text_marks_style(&self) -> Option<TextMarksStyle> { ... } }

A set of rules that dictate the style of a Knob.

Required methods

fn active(&self) -> Style[src]

Produces the style of an active Knob.

fn hovered(&self) -> Style[src]

Produces the style of a hovered Knob.

fn dragging(&self) -> Style[src]

Produces the style of a Knob that is being dragged.

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Provided methods

fn angle_range(&self) -> KnobAngleRange[src]

a KnobAngleRange that defines the minimum and maximum angle that the knob rotates

fn tick_marks_style(&self) -> Option<TickMarksStyle>[src]

The style of tick marks around a Knob

For no tick marks, don’t override this or set this to return None.

fn value_arc_style(&self) -> Option<ValueArcStyle>[src]

The style of a value arc around a Knob

For no value arc, don’t override this or set this to return None.

fn mod_range_arc_style(&self) -> Option<ModRangeArcStyle>[src]

The style of a ModulationRange arc around a Knob

For no modulation range arc, don’t override this or set this to return None.

fn mod_range_arc_style_2(&self) -> Option<ModRangeArcStyle>[src]

The style of a second ModulationRange arc around a Knob

For no second modulation range arc, don’t override this or set this to return None.

fn text_marks_style(&self) -> Option<TextMarksStyle>[src]

The style of text marks around a Knob

For no text marks, don’t override this or set this to return None.

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