Expand description

The canister interface for the cycles wallet canister.


An entry in the address book.

The result of a balance request.

An interface for forwarding a canister method call through the wallet canister via wallet_canister_call.

The result of a call forwarding request.

A canister’s settings. Similar to the canister settings struct from management_canister, but the management canister may evolve to have more settings without the wallet canister evolving to recognize them.

The result of a canister creation request.

A transaction event tracked by the wallet’s history feature.

A transaction event related to a ManagedCanisterInfo.

A canister that the wallet is responsible for managing.

A wallet canister interface, for the standard wallet provided by DFINITY. This interface implements most methods conveniently for the user.


The possible kinds of events that can be stored in an Event.

The kind of principal that a particular principal is.

The possible kinds of events that can be stored in a ManagedCanisterEvent.

The significance of a principal in the wallet’s address book.