Crate ic_ledger_types

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Arguments for the account_balance call.
AccountIdentifier is a 32-byte array. The first 4 bytes is big-endian encoding of a CRC32 checksum of the last 28 bytes.
An arbitrary number associated with a transaction. The caller can set it in a transfer call as a correlation identifier.
Subaccount is an arbitrary 32-byte byte array. Ledger uses subaccounts to compute account address, which enables one principal to control multiple ledger accounts.
Number of nanoseconds from the UNIX epoch in UTC timezone.
A type for representing amounts of Tokens.
Arguments for the transfer call.


Error of the transfer call.


The default fee for ledger transactions.
The subaccont that is used by default.
Id of the cycles minting canister on the IC.
Id of the governance canister on the IC.
Id of the ledger canister on the IC.


Calls the “account_balance” method on the specified canister.
Calls the “query_block” method on the specified canister.
Calls the “token_symbol” method on the specified canister.
Calls the “transfer” method on the specified canister.

Type Definitions

The sequence number of a block in the Tokens ledger blockchain.
Result of the transfer call.