Module ic_cdk::api::call[][src]

Expand description

APIs to make and manage calls in the canister.


An io::Writer for message replies.


Rejection code from calling another canister.


Accepts the ingress message.

Returns the argument data in the current call.

Performs an asynchronous call to another canister via ic0.

Similar to call, but without serialization.

Performs an asynchronous call to another canister and pay cycles at the same time

Returns the name of current canister method.

Moves cycles from the call to the canister balance.

Returns the amount of cycles that were transferred by the caller of the current call, and is still available in this message.

Returns the amount of cycles that came back with the response as a refund.

Rejects the current call with the message.

Returns the rejection code for the call.

Returns the rejection message.

Replies to the current call with a candid argument.

Returns a result that maps over the call

Type Definitions

The result of a Call.