Type Definition ic_agent::agent::Agent[][src]

pub type Agent = AgentImpl<NonceFactory>;
Expand description

A low level Agent to make calls to a Replica endpoint.

use ic_agent::{Agent, ic_types::Principal};
use candid::{Encode, Decode, CandidType, Nat};
use serde::Deserialize;

struct Argument {
  amount: Option<Nat>,

#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)]
struct CreateCanisterResult {
  canister_id: candid::Principal,

async fn create_a_canister() -> Result<Principal, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let agent = Agent::builder()

  // Only do the following call when not contacting the IC main net (e.g. a local emulator).
  // This is important as the main net public key is static and a rogue network could return
  // a different key.
  // If you know the root key ahead of time, you can use `agent.set_root_key(root_key)?;`.
  let management_canister_id = Principal::from_text("aaaaa-aa")?;

  let waiter = garcon::Delay::builder()
    .timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(60 * 5))

  // Create a call to the management canister to create a new canister ID,
  // and wait for a result.
  let response = agent.update(&management_canister_id, "provisional_create_canister_with_cycles")
    .with_arg(&Encode!(&Argument { amount: None })?)

  let result = Decode!(response.as_slice(), CreateCanisterResult)?;
  let canister_id: Principal = Principal::from_text(&result.canister_id.to_text())?;

let canister_id = create_a_canister().await.unwrap();
eprintln!("{}", canister_id);

This agent does not understand Candid, and only acts on byte buffers.


Create an instance of an AgentBuilder for building an Agent. This is simpler than using the AgentConfig and Agent::new().