Crate ibc_query

Expand description

Contains a set of utility traits and implementations for querying the state of an ibc-rs enabled chain, including implementation of essential IBC query methods and gRPC query services defined in ibc-proto crate. Therefore, some ready-to-use Query structs for each layer of the client, connection, and channel have been implemented and exposed by this crate.

The provided structs include blanket implementation of their corresponding gRPC service traits, if the host implements the following context traits:


use ibc_proto::ibc::core::{
    channel::v1::query_server::QueryServer as ChannelQueryServer
    client::v1::query_server::QueryServer as ClientQueryServer,
    connection::v1::query_server::QueryServer as ConnectionQueryServer,
use ibc::core::ValidationContext;
use ibc::hosts::tendermint::upgrade_proposal::UpgradeValidationContext;
use ibc::services::core::{ProvableContext, QueryContext};
use ibc::services::{ChannelQueryService, ClientQueryService, ConnectionQueryService};

struct Ibc;
impl ValidationContext for Ibc { }
impl ProvableContext for Ibc { }
impl QueryContext for Ibc { }

struct Upgrade;
impl UpgradeValidationContext for Upgrade { }

let ibc = Ibc::new();
let upgrade = Upgrade::new();

// `ibc` and `upgrade` must be thread-safe

let client_service = ClientQueryServer::new(ClientQueryService::new(ibc.clone(), upgrade))
let connection_service = ConnectionQueryServer::new(ConnectionQueryService::new(ibc.clone()))
let channel_service = ChannelQueryServer::new(ChannelQueryService::new(ibc))

let grpc_server = tonic::transport::Server::builder()

