Crate hybrid_array

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RustCrypto: Hybrid Const Generic / Typenum Arrays

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Hybrid array type combining const generics with the expressiveness of typenum-based constraints, providing an alternative to generic-array and a incremental transition path to const generics.



This crate uses typenum to enable the following features which aren’t yet possible with the stable implementation of const generics:

Internally the crate is built on const generics and provides traits which make it possible to convert between const generic types and typenum types.


This crate exposes the following feature flags. The default is NO features.

  • zeroize - Implements Zeroize for Array<T: Zeroize, U>


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  • Type aliases for many constants.


  • Hybrid typenum-based and const generic array type.


  • Array operations which are const generic over a given array size.
  • Trait which associates a usize size and ArrayType with a typenum-provided Unsigned integer.
  • Associates an ArraySize with a given type.
  • Construct an array type from the given function.
  • Slice operations which don’t have access to a const generic array size.


  • Splits the shared slice into a slice of N-element arrays, starting at the beginning of the slice, and a remainder slice with length strictly less than N.
  • Splits the exclusive slice into a slice of N-element arrays, starting at the beginning of the slice, and a remainder slice with length strictly less than N.

Type Aliases

  • Type alias for Array which is const generic around a size N, ala [T; N].