hxn 0.1.10

Blazingly fast tool to grab screenshots of url/webpages from terminal.
hxn-0.1.10 is not a library.

Haylxon 🔥🦀

SHOOT BEFORE THE BLINK || Haylxon,  A tool embodying the K1SS philosophy that allows you to take screenshots of webpages/URLs at lightning-fast speeds using chromes Headless feature, means, you'd be needing a chromium based browser for it to work.

Built from the ground up for ease of use, performance, beautiful ui and portability in mind. 💖



Table of contents 📔


Features 🍙

  • Fast: Hxn is designed to be fast, all credits goes to the rustlang. 🦀
  • Portable: You can use haylxon on both *nix & windows.
  • Ease: This tool is designed to be very user friendly as there are very few options but does all the required works that one expects.👨‍🎨
  • Simple: As always Keeping It Simple and Stupid 💋

Installation 📩

  • Manual: You can directly download the binary from releases of your arch and run it.
  • One liner: Run this one liner script
wget -qO- "$(curl -qfsSL "https://api.github.com/repos/pwnwriter/haylxon/releases/latest" | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -Ei "$(uname -m).*$(uname -s).*musl" | grep -v "\.sha")" | tar -xzf - --strip-components=1 && ./hxn -h
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pwnwriter/haylxon --branch=main
cd haylxon
cargo build --release 

Then go to release dir and ./hxn or move the binary to your any $PATH for instant access from anywhere.

  • Using crates.io

    cargo install hxn
  • Using binstall

    cargo binstall hxn

    Note ⚠️ This requires a working setup of rust/cargo & binstall.

sudo/doas pacman -Syyy hxn
paru/yay -S haylxon-git


Hxn in action 🚀

I'm using brave browser for all the demonstration. You can use any chromium based browsers.  

  • hxn -b $(which brave) -u https://example.com


  • hxn -b $(which brave) -f urls.txt


  • hxn -b $(which brave) -f urls.txt --verbose


  • cat urls.txt | hxn -b $(which brave) --stdin


  • cat urls.txt | hxn -b $(which brave) -x 144 -y 400 --stdin


  • hxn -b $(which brave) -f urls.txt --ports 8080,8081


  • pkg install tur-repo -y ; pkg install chromium -y
    ln -s "$PREFIX/bin/chromium-browser" "$PREFIX/bin/chromium"  


Benchmarking ⚡

The below is a comparison between similar project gowitness, tested on my pentium processor.


Contribution 🤝

Contributions are welcome! You can suggest features, report bugs, fix issues via issues or pull requests. Help with code documentation and spreading the word about HAYLXON(hxn) is appreciated! 😎

Support 💌

I am a student currently attending university. I like working for Open Source in my free time. If you find my tool or work beneficial, please consider supporting me via KO-FI or ESEWA* (Nepal only), Or by leaving a star ⭐ ; I'll appreciate your action :)

License 🔐

Licensed under the MIT LICENSE

Also see 👀

  • Kanha :- A web-app pentesting suite written in rust 🦀
  • gowitness :- A golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless