Crate hvec

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In memory of Anna Harren, who coined the term turbofish - which you’ll see a lot of if you use this crate.

The main purpose of this crate is the HarrenVec type - a Vec-like data structure that can store items of different types and sizes from each other.

Values of any type can be stored, and they are stored contiguous in memory like a normal Vec would.

The intended use case for this data structure is efficiently packing structs with large optional fields, while avoiding Box-ing those values.

It supports values with a Drop implementation by default.

However, if you include the no_drop feature, then dropping the HarrenVec will not call the destructors of the contents. Instead you should use the HarrenVec::into_iter method to ensure you are consuming and dropping values correctly. If the values do not have destructors, this is not necessary.


use hvec::HarrenVec;

struct SmallMessage {
    id: usize,
    has_extra: bool,

struct LargeExtraField {
    data: [[f64; 4]; 4],

let mut messages = HarrenVec::new();
messages.push(SmallMessage { id: 0, has_extra: false });
messages.push(SmallMessage { id: 1, has_extra: true });
messages.push(LargeExtraField { data: [[0.; 4]; 4] });
messages.push(SmallMessage { id: 2, has_extra: false });

let mut iter = messages.into_iter();
while let Some(message) =<SmallMessage>() {
    println!("id = {}",;
    if message.has_extra {
        let extra =<LargeExtraField>().unwrap();
        println!("extra data = {:?}",;

// Output:
// id = 0
// id = 1
// extra data = [[0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.]]
// id = 2


Creates a HarrenVec containing the arguments.


An Iterator-like structure for taking ownership of the elements of a HarrenVec.

An Iterator-like structure for mutably borrowing the elements of a HarrenVec.

An Iterator-like structure for immutably borrowing the elements of a HarrenVec.

A Vec-like data structure that can store items of different types and sizes from each other.

Type Definitions

Type alias for HarrenVec.