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Errors which make your users’ lives easier.

Provides a framework through which you can expose error chains which include advice for how users can respond to (and hopefully resolve) a failure. Designed to make you treat recovery from failure as a fundamental part of the design process in your application.


Traits for working with Errors.


Create a shim error type between [human_errors::Error] and other error types.



The fundamental error type used by this library.


Generates an error with the given message.

An error triggered by the system rather than the user.

An error triggered by the system rather than the user, with a deeper cause.

An error triggered by the system rather than the user, with a deeper cause.

A basic error triggered by something the user has done.

An error triggered by something the user has done, with a deeper cause.

An error triggered by something the user has done, with a deeper cause.