[][src]Crate huff_coding

An implementation of the Huffman coding algorithm, enabling one to create a Huffman tree with any alphabet they choose.

It mainly revolves around the HuffTree struct, which provides a way to generate Huffman prefix codes for any collection of types implementing the HuffLetter trait, where for every letter there is a corresponding weight (To ensure this, the Weights trait must be implemented on the provided collection). If the provided letters also implement the HuffLetterAsBytes trait, the tree can be easily read or returned in binary form.

use huff_coding::{
// every primitive type (except floats) implements HuffLetter
let bytes = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xaa, 0xaa, 0xcc];
let chars = ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'];
let ints = [-32, 123, -32, -32, 75, 123];
// ------ building weights structs ------
// building weights with the ByteWeights struct 
let byte_weights = ByteWeights::from_bytes(&bytes);
// building weights in the form of a HashMap
let char_weights = build_weights_map(&chars);
let int_weights = build_weights_map(&ints);
// ------ initializing HuffTrees ------
let tree_bytes = HuffTree::from_weights(byte_weights);
let tree_chars = HuffTree::from_weights(char_weights);
let tree_ints = HuffTree::from_weights(int_weights);
// ------ reading codes from a tree ------
let char_codes = tree_chars.read_codes();
    &bitvec![Msb0, u8; 0]
    &bitvec![Msb0, u8; 1, 1]
    &bitvec![Msb0, u8; 1, 0]
// ------ HuffTree in binary ------
// every integer implements HuffLetterAsBytes
let tree_bytes_bin = tree_bytes.as_bin(); 
assert_eq!(tree_bytes_bin.to_string(), "[10111111, 11101100, 11000101, 01010]");
// reading a HuffTree from a binary representation
let tree_bytes_from_bin = HuffTree::<u8>::try_from_bin(tree_bytes_bin).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tree_bytes.read_codes(), tree_bytes_from_bin.read_codes());

Included are also example compression/decompression functions using my implementation of this algorithm.

use huff_coding::prelude::*;
let bytes = b"abbccc";
let comp_data = compress(bytes);
let decomp_bytes = decompress(&comp_data);
assert_eq!(bytes.to_vec(), decomp_bytes);

Every binary representation in the crate is made thanks to the bitvec crate which I've re-exported for convenience.


pub use bitvec;



Example compression/decompression functions using the HuffTree struct.


huff_coding prelude.


Structs and traits used to represent and construct Huffman trees.


Trait signifying that the struct stores the weights of a certain type (letter), so that for any stored letter there is a corresponding usize(weight).