Expand description

This crate provides an implementation of the Siren Hypermedia specification.

When used with a supported HTTP Server, this will automatically generate the correct JSON response and set the Content-Type header to the correct value of application/vnd.siren+json.

Example Usage

The following is a valid handler for Axum that returns a subset of the example from the Siren specification:

async fn example() -> http_siren::Response<OrderProperties> {
    http_siren::Document::new(OrderProperties {
        order_number: 42,
        item_count: 3,
        status: "pending".to_owned(),

#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct OrderProperties {
    pub order_number: u32,
    pub item_count: u32,
    pub status: String,


HTTP Server support is behind feature flags for the appropriate HTTP Server. As such, you will need to enable the correct feature for the HTTP Server that you are using.

Currently supported features are:

  • axum - For the Axum HTTP Server.



Representation of an action.

Representation of a Siren document.

Body of an embedded representation.

Representation of a field within an action.

Representation of a link. Either as a standard link or an embedded entity.

Wrapper around an HTTP Siren response.


Representation of an embedded entity. Either an embedded link or a full representation.