Crate http_auth[][src]

Expand description

HTTP authentication. Currently meant for clients; to be extended for servers.

As described in the following documents and specifications:

This framework is primarily used with HTTP, as suggested by the name. It is also used by some other protocols such as RTSP.

Quick example:

use std::convert::TryFrom;
let WWW_AUTHENTICATE = "UnsupportedSchemeA, Basic realm=\"foo\", UnsupportedSchemeB";
let mut pw_client = http_auth::PasswordClient::try_from(WWW_AUTHENTICATE).unwrap();
assert!(matches!(pw_client, http_auth::PasswordClient::Basic(_)));
let response = pw_client.respond(&http_auth::PasswordParams {
    username: "Aladdin",
    password: "open sesame",
    uri: "/",
    method: "GET",
    body: Some(&[]),
assert_eq!(response, "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==");


pub use parser::ChallengeParser;
pub use crate::basic::BasicClient;
pub use crate::digest::DigestClient;



Basic authentication scheme as in RFC 7617.


Digest authentication scheme, as in RFC 7616.

Parses as in RFC 7235.


Parsed challenge (scheme and body) using references to the original header value.

Parsed parameter value.

Builds a PasswordClient from the supplied challenges.

Parameters for responding to a password challenge.


Client for responding to a password challenge.


Parses a list of challenges into a Vec.