Module html_node::typed

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Typed HTML nodes.


use html_node::typed::{self, elements::*};
                          // ^^^^^^^^^^^
                          // required to bring type definitions
                          // of all basic html elements into
                          // the current scope.
                          // (can also use `elements::div`, etc.)

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Location {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

impl std::fmt::Display for Location {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{},{}", self.x, self.y)

// defines a custom element named `CustomElement`, with the specified attributes.
// underscores in attributes get converted to and from hyphens in the
// `typed::html!` macro and rendering.

// note that global attributes like `id` will be pre-defined when
// using the `typed::element!` macro.

typed::element! {
    CustomElement("custom-element") {
        custom_attr, // implictly typed as a `String`
        location: Location,

typed::attributes! {
    [TestAttrs] {
        test_val: i32,

// creates a normal `Node`, but checks types at compile-time!
let html = typed::html! { (test: TestAttrs, any)
                       // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ these are extension attributes.
                       // they are not required, but allow you to specify extra attributes
                       // which will be available within this macro invocation.
                       // those of the form `attr-prefix: Type` will be type checked, and
                       // those with just `attr-prefix` will be considered "catch-all" prefixes
                       // allowing any attribute with that prefix to be specified.
                       // `data-*` and `aria-*` are predefined as catch-all prefixes.
    <div id="container">
        <CustomElement test-val=42 any-whatever data-cool=true id="el" custom-attr="test" location=Location { x: 1, y: 2 } />

        <div id=\"container\">\
            <custom-element id=\"el\" custom-attr=\"test\" location=\"1,2\" test-val=\"42\" any-whatever data-cool=\"true\">\



