Crate html

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Typed HTML support for Rust.


HTML is easy to get started with, but hard to get right. There are several hundred element kinds, element attributes, and deeply nested hierachies - with some relationships even being conditional on each other. Remembering all of this is difficult and error-prone, but luckily we don’t have to remember any of this by using the type system! Rust’s type system enables us to model the entire HTML spec, allowing us to catch all errors ahead of time during compilation.

This project comes in layers. The bottom-most layer is the HTML spec itself. We download it, and parse it into definition files. We then take these definitions, and use it to generate the html-sys crate. This crate is semantically correct, and knows how to render itself to string representations. We then combine html-sys with web-sys (wip) to create a higher-level HTML interface, complete with support for events. This can be used to manipulate HTML both in browser (wip) and non-browser contexts.


We can create HTML structures one-by-one:

#![recursion_limit = "512"]

use html::text_content::OrderedList;
let tree = OrderedList::builder()
    .list_item(|li| li.text("nori").class("cat"))
    .list_item(|li| li.text("chashu").class("cat"))
let string = tree.to_string();

But we can also use Rust’s native control flow structures such as loops to iterate over items and create HTML:

#![recursion_limit = "512"]

use html::text_content::OrderedList;
let mut ol = OrderedList::builder();
for name in ["hello", "world"] {
    ol.list_item(|li| li.text(name));
let tree =;

We can also create elements separately and append them later:

#![recursion_limit = "512"]

use html::text_content::{OrderedList, ListItem};
let mut ol = OrderedList::builder();
let li = ListItem::builder().text("hello").build();
let tree =;

