Attribute Macro hot_lib_reloader::hot_module

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This macro is the top-level interface for making a dynamic Rust library hot-reloadable. The attribute macro will insert code into the module it accompanies that will do several things:

  1. In the context of that module a global hot_lib_reloader::LibReloader instance is maintained that loads the library specified by the dylib argument and provides access to its symbols.

  2. A thread is started that drives the LibReloader: It waits for library file changes and then updates the library.

  3. Allows access to a hot_lib_reloader::LibReloadNotifier that can be used to get events about library changes. See the #[lib_change_subscription] attribute below.

In addition, the module can contain normal items. You can define functions, types etc normally and you can import and export from other modules. In particular re-exporting all items from the target library can make it easy to create a 1:1 replacement with static modules from that library.

A few pseudo-macros can appear in the modules context:

// The `dylib` attribute should be the name of the library to hot-reload,
// typically the crate name.
#[hot_module(dylib = "lib")]
mod foo {

  // reads `#[no_mangle]` public functions from `` and generates
  // forwarding functions in the context of this module that have the exact
  // same signatures. Those generated functions will automatically use the
  // newest version of the library.

  // As an alternative to `hot_functions_from_file!` you can manually
  // declare functions that the library should export and for which hot-reload
  // implementations should be generated. It is more tedious but plays nicer
  // with tools like rust-analalyzer and auto completion.
  pub fn do_stuff(arg: &str) -> u32 { /*generated*/ }

  // Same as `hot_function` but as a block, multiple declarations are allowed.
  extern "Rust" {
      pub fn do_stuff(arg: &str) -> u32;

  // To get access to a `LibReloadObserver` you can create an empty function
  // with a `#[lib_change_subscription]` attribute.
   pub fn subscribe() -> hot_lib_reloader::LibReloadObserver {}

In case you get errors when using the macro or are generally curious, run cargo expand to see the generated code.