- Hook
Info - information required for hooking a fn
- Relocated
FnStart - information about relocated instructions from the start of a fn
- Hook
Error - an error which occured while trying to relocate instructions.
- Jumper
Kind - the different kinds of jumper available
JUMPER_ LEN - the length of a long jumper.
- MAX_
JUMPER_ LEN - the maximum length of a jumper of any kind.
- MAX_
MAYBE_ RELOCATED_ INSN_ LEN - the maximum length of an instruction that is either relocated or the original instruction
- MAX_
RELOCATED_ INSNS_ AMOUNT - the maximum amount of instructions that we may need to relocate when hooking a fn.
- MAX_
RELOCATED_ INSNS_ LEN - the maximum total length of all of the relocated instruction when relocating the instructions at the start of a fn.
- MAX_
RELOCATED_ INSN_ LEN - the maximum length of a relocated instruction
- MAX_
TRAMPOLINE_ LEN - the maximum length of a trampoiline.
JUMPER_ LEN - the length of a short jumper.
REL_ JUMPER_ LEN - the length of a short relative jumper.
- determine_
best_ jumper_ kind - determines the best jumper kind to use in a specific case.
- determine_
best_ jumper_ kind_ and_ build - determines the best jumper kind to use in a specific case and builds it.
- gen_
hook_ info - generates information needed to hook the given fn.
- relocate_
fn_ start - relocate the instructions at the start of the fn so that we can put them in a different memory address and they will still work fine.
Type Aliases§
- Jumper
Bytes - a type alias for the bytes of a jumper.
- Relocated
Insn Bytes - a type alias for the bytes of a relocated instruction.
- Relocated
Insns Bytes - a type alias for the bytes of some relocated instructions.
- Trampoline
Bytes - a type alias for the bytes of a trampoline.