Crate holochain_sqlite

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Building blocks for persisted Holochain state

See crate README for more info.

See this hackmd for a diagram explaining the relationships between these building blocks and the higher abstractions


pub use ::rusqlite;


Functions dealing with obtaining and referencing singleton databases
All possible errors when working with SQLite databases
A few imports from rkv, to avoid consumers needing to import rkv explicitly
Sometimes we have fatal errors, and need to halt the system. This module provides standards for showing these messages to the user.
nonce sql logic
Common types, especially traits, which we’d like to import en masse
Schema and migration definitions
Helpers for unit tests


Macro for standard handling of fatal errors
Macro for standard handling of db deserialization fatal errors
Macro for standard handling of db hash integrity check failures
Macro to generate a fresh reader from an DbRead with less boilerplate Use this in tests, where everything gets unwrapped anyway
Macro to generate a fresh reader from an DbRead with less boilerplate Use this in tests, where everything gets unwrapped anyway