Expand description

A CLI to launch holochain apps in a Holochain Launcher environment for testing and development purposes.

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or make a PR.

Using the hc launch CLI tool:

Note: If you use the cli tool inside holonix, all the commands below will be available as hc launch instead of hc-launch.

Example Usage

  • Launch a .webhapp with 2 agents communicating over mdns network and initializing lair-keystore “on-the-fly” by piping a password through on the command line:
echo pass | hc-launch --piped -n 2 path/to/my/app.webhapp network mdns

  • Launch a .happ with the UI assets specified with the --ui-path option for 2 agents communicating over mdns network, initializing lair-keystore “on-the-fly” by piping a password through on the command line and watching for file changes in the specified UI path:
echo pass | hc-launch --piped -n 2 path/to/my/app.happ --ui-path path/to/my/ui/assets --watch network mdns

  • Launch a .happ while pointing to a port on localhost from where you serve the UI assets:
    Note: This mode is only meant for development purposes! Serving assets from localhost will result in different behavior than running the app in the real Holochain Launcher.
echo pass | hc-launch --piped -n 2 path/to/my/app.happ --ui-port 5500 network mdns

  • Show the help section with all the available commands and options:
hc-launch --help

Available Commands

   hc-launch [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [path] [SUBCOMMAND]

   -h, --help
           Prints help information

           Instead of the normal "interactive" passphrase mode, collect the passphrase by reading stdin to the end

   -V, --version
           Prints version information

   -w, --watch
           Watch for file changes in the UI folder. Requires --ui-path to be specified

   -d, --directories <directories>...
           Specify the directory name for each sandbox that is created. By default, new sandbox directories get a
           random name like "kAOXQlilEtJKlTM_W403b". Use this option to override those names with something explicit.

           For example `hc gen -r path/to/my/chains -n 3 -d=first,second,third` will create three sandboxes with
           directories named "first", "second", and "third".
       --holochain-path <holochain-path>
           Set the path to the holochain binary [env: HC_HOLOCHAIN_PATH=]  [default: holochain]

   -n, --num-sandboxes <num-sandboxes>
           Number of conductor sandboxes to create [default: 1]

       --root <root>
           Set a root directory for conductor sandboxes to be placed into. Defaults to the system's temp directory.
           This directory must already exist

       --ui-path <ui-path>
           path to the UI. Required if a .happ file is passed

       --ui-port <ui-port>
           Port pointing to a localhost server that serves your assets. NOTE: This is only meant for development
           purposes! Apps can behave differently when served from a localhost server than when actually running in the
           Holochain Launcher. Use the --ui-path flag pointing to your built and bundled files instead or directly pass
           the packaged .webhapp to test the actual behavior of your hApp in the Holochain Launcher

           Path to .webhapp or .happ file to launch. If a .happ file is passed, either a UI path must be specified via
           --ui-path or a port pointing to a localhost server via --ui-port

   help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
