pub trait HolochainP2pSender: GhostChannelSender<HolochainP2p> {
Show 17 methods fn join(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        agent_pub_key: HoloHash<Agent>,
        initial_arc: Option<DhtArc>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn leave(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        agent_pub_key: HoloHash<Agent>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn call_remote(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        from_agent: HoloHash<Agent>,
        signature: Signature,
        to_agent: HoloHash<Agent>,
        zome_name: ZomeName,
        fn_name: FunctionName,
        cap_secret: Option<CapSecret>,
        payload: ExternIO,
        nonce: Nonce256Bits,
        expires_at: Timestamp
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<SerializedBytes, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn remote_signal(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        from_agent: HoloHash<Agent>,
        to_agent_list: Vec<(Signature, HoloHash<Agent>), Global>,
        zome_name: ZomeName,
        fn_name: FunctionName,
        cap: Option<CapSecret>,
        payload: ExternIO,
        nonce: Nonce256Bits,
        expires_at: Timestamp
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn publish(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        request_validation_receipt: bool,
        countersigning_session: bool,
        basis_hash: HoloHash<AnyLinkable>,
        source: HoloHash<Agent>,
        op_hash_list: Vec<RoughSized<Arc<KitsuneOpHash>>, Global>,
        timeout_ms: Option<u64>,
        reflect_ops: Option<Vec<DhtOp, Global>>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn publish_countersign(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        flag: bool,
        basis_hash: HoloHash<AnyLinkable>,
        op: DhtOp
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn get(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        dht_hash: HoloHash<AnyDht>,
        options: GetOptions
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<Vec<WireOps, Global>, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn get_meta(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        dht_hash: HoloHash<AnyDht>,
        options: GetMetaOptions
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<Vec<MetadataSet, Global>, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn get_links(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        link_key: WireLinkKey,
        options: GetLinksOptions
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<Vec<WireLinkOps, Global>, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn get_agent_activity(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        agent: HoloHash<Agent>,
        query: ChainQueryFilter,
        options: GetActivityOptions
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<Vec<AgentActivityResponse<HoloHash<Action>>, Global>, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn must_get_agent_activity(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        author: HoloHash<Agent>,
        filter: ChainFilter<HoloHash<Action>>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<Vec<MustGetAgentActivityResponse, Global>, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn send_validation_receipt(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        to_agent: HoloHash<Agent>,
        receipt: SerializedBytes
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn new_integrated_data(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn authority_for_hash(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        basis: HoloHash<AnyLinkable>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<bool, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn countersigning_session_negotiation(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>,
        agents: Vec<HoloHash<Agent>, Global>,
        message: CountersigningSessionNegotiationMessage
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<(), HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn dump_network_metrics(
        dna_hash: Option<HoloHash<Dna>>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<String, HolochainP2pError>> { ... } fn get_diagnostics(
        dna_hash: HoloHash<Dna>
    ) -> MustBoxFuture<'static, Result<KitsuneDiagnostics, HolochainP2pError>> { ... }
Expand description

The HolochainP2pSender struct allows controlling the HolochainP2p actor instance.

Provided Methods§

The p2p module must be informed at runtime which dna/agent pairs it should be tracking.

If a cell is disabled, we’ll need to "leave" the network module as well.

Invoke a zome function on a remote node (if you have been granted the capability).

Invoke a zome function on a remote node (if you have been granted the capability). This is a fire-and-forget operation, a best effort will be made to forward the signal, but if the conductor network is overworked it may decide not to deliver some of the signals.

Publish data to the correct neighborhood.

Publish a countersigning op.

Get an entry from the DHT.

Get metadata from the DHT.

Get links from the DHT.

Get agent activity from the DHT.

A remote node is requesting agent activity from us.

Send a validation receipt to a remote node.

New data has been integrated and is ready for gossiping.

Check if any local agent in this space is an authority for a hash.

Messages between agents negotiation a countersigning session.

Dump network metrics.

Get struct for diagnostic data
