Module holochain::conductor::paths

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Defines default paths for various resources


Newtype for the Conductor Config file path. Has a Default.
Newtype for the database path. Has a Default.


Returns the path to the root config directory for all of Holochain. If we can get a user directory it will be an XDG compliant path like “/home/peter/.config/holochain”. If it can’t get a user directory it will default to “/etc/holochain”.
Returns the path to the root data directory for all of Holochain. If we can get a user directory it will be an XDG compliant path like “/home/peter/.local/share/holochain”. If it can’t get a user directory it will default to “/etc/holochain”.
Returns the path to where agent keys are stored and looked for by default. Something like “~/.config/holochain/keys”.