Module holochain::conductor::api[][src]

Expand description

Defines the three Conductor APIs by which other code can communicate with a [Conductor]:

Each type of API uses a [ConductorHandle] as its exclusive means of conductor access


Errors occurring during a [CellConductorApi] or [InterfaceApi] call


Information neeeded to spawn an Admin interface

Agent info dump with the agent, space, signed time, expires in and urls printed in a pretty way.

The concrete implementation of CellConductorApiT, which is used to give Cells an API for calling back to their [Conductor].

Info about an installed app, returned as part of AppResponse::AppInfo

A high level view of the incoming ops and where they are currently. Ops start in the validation limbo then proceed to the integration limbo then finally are integrated.

A collection of many cells dumps for easy viewing. Use display to see a nice printout.

State dump of all the peer info

The admin interface that external connections can use to make requests to the conductor The concrete (non-mock) implementation of the AdminInterfaceApi

The Conductor lives inside an Arc<RwLock<_>> which is shared with all other Api references

The data provided across an App interface in order to make a zome call


Represents the available conductor functions to call over an Admin interface and will result in a corresponding AdminResponse message being sent back over the interface connection. Enum variants follow a general convention of verb_noun as opposed to the noun_verb of AdminResponse.

Represents the possible responses to an AdminRequest and follows a general convention of noun_verb as opposed to the verb_noun of AdminRequest.

Represents the available Conductor functions to call over an App interface

Responses to requests received on an App interface

Filter for ListApps.

Error type that goes over the websocket wire. This intends to be application developer facing so it should be readable and relevant

A flat, slightly more API-friendly representation of [InstalledAppStatus]

Configuration for interfaces, specifying the means by which an interface should be opened.


A trait for the interface that a Conductor exposes to the outside world to use for administering the conductor. This trait has a one mock implementation and one “Real” implementation

The interface that a Conductor exposes to the outside world.

The “internal” Conductor API interface, for a Cell to talk to its calling Conductor.

A handle that cn only call zome functions to avoid making write lock calls

A trait that unifies both the admin and app interfaces

Type Definitions

A handle that cn only call zome functions to avoid making write lock calls