Crate hmath

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  • It returns cbrt(x). It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger.
  • a = v1 / v3, b = v2 / v3 where the return value is (v1, v2, v3)
  • It returns cos(x). It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger.
  • f(a) = v1, f(b) = v2, f’(a) = v3, f’(b) = v4
    It ignores v2 and v4 if a == b.
  • pre-calculated value of e. It’s equal to e_iter(15).
  • It returns an approximate value of E. It gets more and more accurate as k gets bigger.
  • It returns e^x. It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger.
  • p: Vec<(x, y)> where f(x) = y
  • p: Vec<(x, y)> where f(x) = y
  • You may find this function useful when you’re dealing with ieee 754 numbers.
    This function returns (neg, exp, frac), which means n is (-1)^(neg) * 2^(exp) * (1 + frac/2^23) regardless of denormalization.
    It returns (false, i32::MIN, 0) when n is 0.
  • You may find this function useful when you’re dealing with ieee 754 numbers.
    This function returns (neg, exp, frac), which means n is (-1)^(neg) * 2^(exp) * (1 + frac/2^52) regardless of denormalization.
    It returns (false, i32::MIN, 0) when n is 0.
  • f(a) = v1, f(b) = v2
    If a == b, it returns a const function.
  • pre-calculated value of ln2. It’s equal to ln2_iter(11).
  • It returns an approximate value of ln(2). It gets more and more accurate as k gets bigger. For now, k should be less than 200.
  • It returns ln(x). It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger. It panics when x is less than 0.
  • It returns log(x) with base base. It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger. It panics when x or base is less than or equal 0.
  • pre-calculated value of pi. It’s equal to pi_iter(7).
  • It returns an approximate value of PI. It gets more and more accurate as k gets bigger. For now, k should be less than 255.
  • It returns a^b. It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger. If b is an integer, try Ratio::pow_i32 instead. It panics when a is less than 0. 0^0 is 0.
  • f(a) = v1, f(b) = v2, f(c) = v3
    If the input has inconsistent values (eg. f(3) = 4, f(3) = 5), it ignores an arbitrary one.
  • It returns sin(x). It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger.
  • It returns sqrt(abs(x)). It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger.
  • It returns tan(x). It gets more accurate as iter gets bigger.