Crate hightorrent

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HighTorrent is a library which contains high-level data structures and functions to interact with Bittorrent v1 and v2 torrents. HighTorrent does not aim to be featureful, but rather to be super easy to use and interoperate with more advanced torrent software, and completely impossible to misuse.

Note that HighTorrent is not a networked library. It will not provide any utilities for querying the DHT and/or downloading torrents. HighTorrent is much lower in the stack.

HighTorrent provides utilities to extract name and hash from torrents/magnets, using the MagnetLink and TorrentFile structures, but could provide more advanced utilities in the future (PRs welcome). Additionally, it provides the Torrent struct and the IntoTorrent trait representing fully-loaded torrents ; those helpers are intended to be used by more diverse torrenting libraries to provide interoperability out-of-the-box.

Finally, the SingleTarget and MultiTarget structures represent one or more torrents you wish to interact with. The contained stringy value is ambiguous, and can represent either a precise InfoHash or a libtorrent-compatible TorrentID (truncated hash).


A Magnet URI, which contains the infohash(es) but not the entire meta info.
A single Torrent to interact with.
An abstract torrent, loaded from any backend that implements IntoTorrent.
A torrent file.
An infohash string truncated to 40 characters.
A list of Torrent, with querying/filtering capabilities.
A centralized variant of a Peersource.


A torrent’s infohash, represented by a stringy lowercase hexadecimal digest.
Error occurred during parsing a InfoHash.
Error occurred during parsing a MagnetLink.
Criteria to filter a TorrentList, returning multiple entries.
A source of peers. Can be a Tracker or a decentralized source.
Error occurred during parsing a TorrentFile.
Error occurred during parsing a Tracker.
A protocol used by a Tracker.


Turn a backend-specific torrent into an agnostic Torrent.
Try to turn a stringy value into a SingleTarget. Fails if the value doesn’t look like a InfoHash.
Try to turn a stringy value into an InfoHash. For user-submitted data that may or may not be actual infohash, use ToSingleTarget instead.
Turn a backend-specific tracker struct into an agnostic Tracker.