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This crate provides algorithms for solving the graph vertex coloring problem. These algorithms return a “coloring”, i.e. an assignment of each vertex to a “color” (index) such that no two vertices of the same color are connected by an edge. The algorithms use heuristics to minimize the number of different colors used.

Current status: basic functionality is working, but not very optimized and not extensively tested.

Example of creating a graph with 4 vertices, adding 4 edges and coloring it.

use heuristic_graph_coloring::*;

let mut graph = VecVecGraph::new(4);
graph.add_edge(0, 1);
graph.add_edge(1, 2);
graph.add_edge(0, 2);
graph.add_edge(2, 3);
let coloring = color_greedy_by_degree(&graph);
assert_eq!(coloring, [1, 2, 0, 1]);


NameFunctionColors usedTime usedComment
Greedy (naive)color_greedy_naiveMostLeastOnly use as a baseline.
Greedy (by degree)color_greedy_by_degreeA bit lessLeastFast decent results.
DSaturcolor_greedy_dsaturLessMoreGood results but quite slow.
Recursive largest firstcolor_rlfEven lessEven moreSlowest and worst time complexity, but best results.

If you really want the least number of colors there is are slower algorightms like backtracking, SAT-solvers or HEA evolutionary approaches. The above algorithms are still useful to determine an upper bound in advance.

On the other hand, if you want to go faster then there exist parallel and distributed graph coloring algorithms.


Using a data set of instances (see instances/ folder) and the number of colors found by the naive algorithm as a measure of difficulty, we get the following results:

See data/colors.svg See data/time.svg

See the full results in data/instances.tsv.


A graph in compressed format with all edges in one array.

Graph represented as multiple Vecs, one for each vertex.


Trait for graphs that the algorithms in this crate can work with.


Colors vertices from highest degree to lowest by first possible color.

Colors vertices from most colors of neighbors to least (dynamically) by first possible color. Known as DSATUR.

The most simple greedy algorigthm. Colors vertices in index order by first possible color.

Colors vertices one color at a time by foming maximal independent sets. Known as Recursive Largest First.

Counts the amount of colors in coloring by getting the maximum color plus one.

Adjust coloring to try to make each color used a similar amount

Checks that the coloring is correct, else panics.