Expand description

Prelude containing the common types defined by Rapier.




Construct a fixed-size point directly from data.

Construct a fixed-size column vector directly from data.


Flags affecting whether or not collision-detection happens between two colliders depending on the type of rigid-bodies they are attached to.

Flags affecting the events generated for this collider.

Flags affecting the behavior of the constraints solver for a given contact manifold.

A joint that removes all relative linear motion between a pair of points on two bodies.

A pair of rigid body handles.

A broad-phase combining a Hierarchical Grid and Sweep-and-Prune.

Solver responsible for performing motion-clamping on fast-moving bodies.

A physics event handler that collects events into a crossbeam channel.

A geometric entity that can be attached to a body so it can be affected by contacts and proximity queries.

Data associated to a collider that takes part to a broad-phase algorithm.

A structure responsible for building a new collider.

Flags describing how the collider has been modified by the user.

A set of flags for controlling collision/intersection filtering, modification, and events.

The unique identifier of a collider added to a collider set.

The constraints solver-related properties of this collider (friction, restitution, etc.)

A pair of collider handles.

Information about the rigid-body this collider is attached to.

The position of a collider.

A set of colliders that can be handled by a physics World.

The collision pipeline, responsible for performing collision detection between colliders.

A compound shape with an aabb bounding volume.

A single contact between two collider.

A contact manifold between two colliders.

Context given to custom contact modifiers to modify the contacts seen by the constraints solver.

The description of all the contacts between a pair of colliders.

A 2D convex polygon.

A joint that prevents all relative movement between two bodies.

A half-space delimited by an infinite plane.

Parameters for a time-step of the physics engine.

A graph where nodes are collision objects and edges are contact or proximity algorithms.

Pairwise filtering using bit masks.

Events occurring when two collision objects start or stop being in close proximity, contact, or disjoint.

Structure responsible for maintaining the set of active rigid-bodies, and putting non-moving rigid-bodies to sleep to save computation times.

A joint attached to two bodies.

The unique identifier of a joint added to the joint set. The unique identifier of a collider added to a collider set.

A set of joints that can be handled by a physics World.

The local mass properties of a rigid-body.

The narrow-phase responsible for computing precise contact information between colliders.

Context given to custom collision filters to filter-out collisions.

The physics pipeline, responsible for stepping the whole physics simulation.

A polygonal feature representing the local polygonal approximation of a vertex, or face, of a convex shape.

A polyline.

A joint that removes all relative motion between two bodies, except for the translations along one axis.

A pipeline for performing queries on all the colliders of a scene.

A rigid body.

The rb_activation status of a body.

A builder for rigid-bodies.

Information used for Continuous-Collision-Detection.

Flags describing how the rigid-body has been modified by the user.

The set of colliders attached to this rigid-bodies.

Damping factors to progressively slow down a rigid-body.

The dominance groups of a rigid-body.

The user-defined external forces applied to this rigid-body.

The unique handle of a rigid body added to a RigidBodySet.

Internal identifiers used by the physics engine.

The mass properties of this rigid-bodies.

Flags affecting the behavior of the constraints solver for a given contact manifold.

The position of this rigid-body.

A set of rigid bodies that can be handled by a physics pipeline.

The velocities of this rigid-body.

A shape with rounded borders.

The shape of a collider.

A contact seen by the constraints solver for computing forces.

Flags affecting the behavior of the constraints solver for a given contact manifold.

A single contact between two shape.

A triangle mesh.


An event emitted by the broad-phase.

Rules used to combine two coefficients.

The mass-properties of a collider.

The type of collider.

Events occurring when two collision objects start or stop being in contact (or penetration).

An identifier of a feature of a convex polyhedron.

An enum grouping all possible types of joints.

Indicates how the colliders position should be taken into account when updating the query pipeline.

The status of a body, governing the way it is affected by external forces.

Logical description of the location of a point on a triangle.

Enum representing the type of a shape.

The spring-like model used for constraints resolution.

Description of the location of a point on a triangle.

Enum representing the shape with its actual type


The default tolerance used for geometric operations.

The dimension of the space.

Max number of pairs of contact points from the same contact manifold that can be solved as part of a single contact constraint.


The number of lanes of a SIMD number.


Trait implemented by structures responsible for handling events generated by the physics engine.

User-defined functions called by the physics engines during one timestep in order to customize its behavior.

Trait implemented by convex shapes with features with polyhedral approximations.

Trait implemented by shapes usable by Rapier.

Trait implemented by shapes composed of multiple simpler shapes.

Traits of convex shapes representable by a support mapping function.

Type Definitions

An axis-aligned bounding box.

The angular vector type.

The angular inertia of a rigid body.

A ball shape.


The type of a body, governing the way it is affected by external forces.

A capsule shape.

Index of a node of the interaction graph.

The shape of a collider.

A contact between two colliders.

A contact manifold between two colliders.

A matrix that represent the cross product with a given vector.

A cuboid shape.

A dynamically sized column-major matrix.

A dynamically sized column vector.

The dimension of the ambient space.

A heightfield shape.

The transformation matrix type.

The matrix type.

The orientation type.

The point type.

The the projection of a point on a collider.

The principal angular inertia of a rigid body.

A ray that can be cast against colliders.

The intersection between a ray and a collider.

The scalar type used throughout this crate.

Index of a node of the interaction graph.

The rotation matrix type.

A convex polygon dilated by a sphere (so it has round corners).

A cuboid dilated by a sphere (so it has round corners).

A triangle dilated by a sphere (so it has round corners).

A 2D symmetric-definite-positive matrix.

A segment shape.

A SIMD bool with SIMD_WIDTH lanes.

A SIMD float with SIMD_WIDTH lanes.

A vector with a dimension equal to the maximum number of degrees of freedom of a rigid body.

The the time of impact between two shapes.

Temporary index to and edge of the interaction graph.

The translation type.

A triangle shape.

The unit vector type.

The vector type.