Function heron::rapier_plugin::rapier::parry::query::gjk::directional_distance[][src]

pub fn directional_distance<G1, G2>(
    pos12: &Isometry<f32, Unit<Quaternion<f32>>, 3_usize>,
    g1: &G1,
    g2: &G2,
    dir: &Matrix<f32, Const<{_: usize}>, Const<1_usize>, ArrayStorage<f32, 3_usize, 1_usize>>,
    simplex: &mut VoronoiSimplex
) -> Option<(f32, Matrix<f32, Const<{_: usize}>, Const<1_usize>, ArrayStorage<f32, 3_usize, 1_usize>>, Point<f32, 3_usize>, Point<f32, 3_usize>)> where
    G1: SupportMap + ?Sized,
    G2: SupportMap + ?Sized

Compute the normal and the distance that can travel g1 along the direction dir so that g1 and g2 just touch.

The dir vector must be expressed in the local-space of the first shape.