Trait heron::rapier_plugin::rapier3d::geometry::SimdCompositeShape[][src]

pub trait SimdCompositeShape {
    fn map_part_at(
        shape_id: u32,
        f: &mut dyn FnMut(Option<&Isometry<f32, Unit<Quaternion<f32>>, 3_usize>>, &(dyn Shape + 'static))
fn qbvh(&self) -> &QBVH<u32>; }
Expand description

Trait implemented by shapes composed of multiple simpler shapes.

A composite shape is composed of several shapes. For example, this can be a convex decomposition of a concave shape; or a triangle-mesh.

Required methods

Applies a function to one sub-shape of this composite shape.

Gets the acceleration structure of the composite shape.

Trait Implementations
