Trait heron::rapier_plugin::rapier2d::prelude::nalgebra::RealField[]

pub trait RealField: ComplexField<RealField = Self> + RelativeEq<Self, Epsilon = Self, Epsilon = Self> + UlpsEq<Self> + Signed + Bounded + PartialOrd<Self> {
Show 22 methods fn is_sign_positive(&self) -> bool;
fn is_sign_negative(&self) -> bool;
fn copysign(self, to: Self) -> Self;
fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self;
fn atan2(self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn pi() -> Self;
fn two_pi() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_2() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_3() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_4() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_6() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_8() -> Self;
fn frac_1_pi() -> Self;
fn frac_2_pi() -> Self;
fn frac_2_sqrt_pi() -> Self;
fn e() -> Self;
fn log2_e() -> Self;
fn log10_e() -> Self;
fn ln_2() -> Self;
fn ln_10() -> Self;
Expand description

Trait shared by all reals.

Required methods

Is the sign of this real number positive?

Is the sign of this real number negative?

Copies the sign of self to to.

  • Returns to.simd_abs() if self is positive or positive-zero.
  • Returns -to.simd_abs() if self is negative or negative-zero.

Implementations on Foreign Types

Archimedes’ constant.

2.0 * pi.

pi / 2.0.

pi / 3.0.

pi / 4.0.

pi / 6.0.

pi / 8.0.

1.0 / pi.

2.0 / pi.

2.0 / sqrt(pi).

Euler’s number.





Archimedes’ constant.

2.0 * pi.

pi / 2.0.

pi / 3.0.

pi / 4.0.

pi / 6.0.

pi / 8.0.

1.0 / pi.

2.0 / pi.

2.0 / sqrt(pi).

Euler’s number.




