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herkulex-stm32f1xx is a crate that allows the easy use of the Herkulex DRS (0101 and 0201) servomotors with an STM32f1xx. It uses the create drs_0x01


Do not forget to enable torque when trying to turn on a servomotor!

To set a servo to a position (see examples/set_position.rs ) :

    // Create a communication
    let communication = Communication::new(&mut tx, rx);

    // Create a motors group associated with a communication
    let motors = Motors::new(communication);

    // Create a servomotor linked with the servo with the id 0x00
    let motor0 = motors.new_motor(0x00);

    // Always enable torque to let the servo rotate

    // Set the position to 512 (refer to the manual p56)
    // It corresponds to 0.163 degrees

To set a servo speed (see examples/set_speed.rs) :

    // Create a communication
    let communication = Communication::new(&mut tx, rx);

    // Create a motors group associated with a communication
    let motors = Motors::new(communication);

    // Create a servomotor linked with the servo with the id 0x00
    let motor0 = motors.new_motor(0x00);

    // Always enable torque to let the servo rotate

    // Set the position to 512 (refer to the manual p56)
    // It is half max speed
    // The rotation enum comes from the drs-0x01 driver
    motor0.set_speed(512, Clockwise);


A module that implements a USART communication for the servos communications.
A module that implements a communication interface when creating new servo.