Crate heca_lib

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heca-lib is a blazingly fast Hebrew calender library. It’s the backend behind the heca program.


  1. Add to Cargo.toml:
     heca-lib = "1.3"
  1. Add the following to your crate root:
extern crate heca_lib;
  1. Import the types:
use heca_lib::prelude::*;
use heca_lib::*;



This library can convert from Hebrew to Gregorian dates and back. You can get a HebrewDate either from a known Hebrew date or from a Gregorian date:

use std::num::NonZeroI8;
use std::convert::TryInto;

use chrono::Utc;
use chrono::offset::TimeZone;
use heca_lib::prelude::*;
use heca_lib::HebrewDate;

let hebrew_date: HebrewDate = Utc.ymd(2018,9,10).and_hms(17,59,59).try_into()?;

You can then get back a Gregorian date from this Hebrew Date.

 use std::num::NonZeroI8;
 use std::convert::TryInto;

 use chrono::prelude::*;
 use heca_lib::{HebrewDate};
 use heca_lib::prelude::*;

 let eng_day: DateTime<Utc> = HebrewDate::from_ymd(5779,HebrewMonth::Tishrei,NonZeroI8::new(10).unwrap())?.into();
 assert_eq!(eng_day, Utc.ymd(2018, 9,18).and_hms(18,00,00));

§Get Information on the Hebrew Year

This library can also list the major Jewish holidays and Torah readings in a given year (for both Israel and the Diaspora):

use std::num::NonZeroI8;

use heca_lib::{HebrewYear,HebrewDate};
use heca_lib::prelude::*;

assert_eq!(HebrewYear::new(5779)?.get_holidays(Location::Chul, &[TorahReadingType::Shabbos])[0].name(), TorahReading::Shabbos(Parsha::Vayelech));
assert_eq!(HebrewYear::new(5779)?.get_holidays(Location::Chul, &[TorahReadingType::SpecialParsha]).iter().find(|x| == TorahReading::SpecialParsha(SpecialParsha::Zachor)).unwrap().day(),HebrewDate::from_ymd(5779,HebrewMonth::Adar2,NonZeroI8::new(9).unwrap())?);


This library won’t work for years before 3764 (4).



  • HebrewDate holds a specific Hebrew Date. It can be constructed individually or through HebrewYear.
  • HebrewYear holds data on a given year. It’s faster to get multiple HebrewDates from an existing HebrewYear rather than generating each one on its own.