pub fn delete_cap_grant(hash: HeaderHash) -> ExternResult<HeaderHash>
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Delete a capability grant.

Wraps the delete HDK function with system type parameters set. This guards against deleting application entries or setting the wrong entry type.

Capability grants can be deleted like other entries. Unlike most other entries, deleting a grant is linear, there is no branching tree of CRUD history because only grants on the local source chain can be deleted.

Once a capability grant is deleted any incoming function call requests with associated capability claims will immediately begin to fail as ZomeCallResponse::Unauthorized . There is no undo for deletes, a new grant must be created and distributed to reinstate access after a grant deletion. Immediately means after the wasm successfully completes with no errors or rollbacks as extern calls are transactional/atomic.

The input to delete_cap_grant is the HeaderHash of the CapGrant element to delete. Deletes can reference both CapGrant creates and updates.