Crate hc_seed_bundle[][src]

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License: Apache-2.0

SeedBundle parsing and generation library.


  • Applications like Holochain have different requirements than classic blockchain system in terms of key management. Namely there is no need for read-only or hardened wallets (Holochain handles these concepts through capabilities and membranes).
  • Applications like Holochain still have need of hierarchy and determinism in key (or in this case seed) derivation.
  • Since we’re using libsodium for hashing, signature, and encryption algorithms, let’s use it for derivation as well.
  • To be psychologically compatible with the Bitcoin “HD Wallet” spec, we will do away with the “context” part of sodium KDF by always setting it to b"SeedBndl" and focusing on the subkey_id and can declare a chain of subsequent derivations of a 32 byte seed in the form m/68/1/65/8 where we apply subkey_ids 68, 1, 65, then 8 in turn.

hcSeedBundle Encoding Spec

Encoded in MSGPACK binary format.

To better facilitate rust/javascript interoperability, the rust library will treat msgpack “ext” types as binary data.


// seed_bundle is a top-level array
'seed_bundle':array [
  // literal 'hcsb0' version / heuristic marker
  // list of SeedCiphers define how to decrypt
  'cipher_list':array [
    // ..
  // additional second-level encoding app data


// the PwHash type SeedCipher defines a straight-forward
// pwhash secret that is use to secretstream encrypt a seed
'seed_cipher':array [
  // for the pw hash cipher, this is a literal 'pw'
  // argon2id 16 byte salt
  // argon2id mem limit capped to u32 for js compatibility
  // argon2id ops limit capped to u32 for js compatibility
  // secretstream 24 byte header
  // secretstream 49 byte cipher


// Security Questions SeedCipher defines a pwhash cipher
// based on concatonating 3 answers that are lcased/trimmed
'seed_cipher':array [
  // for the pw hash cipher, this is a literal 'qa'
  // argon2id 16 byte salt
  // argon2id mem limit capped to u32 for js compatibility
  // argon2id ops limit capped to u32 for js compatibility
  // the first security question to be answered
  // the second security question to be answered
  // the third security question to be answered
  // secretstream 24 byte header
  // secretstream 49 byte cipher


  • sodium_kdf32 - seed derivation
    • set to output 32 bytes ([32 byte sub-seed])
    • context bytes - fixed b"SeedBndl"
    • subkey_id clamped to u32 to better support javascript
  • argon2id32 - generates secret for seed secretstream encryption
    • set to output 32 bytes ([32 secret bytes])
    • salt: [16 salt bytes from bundle]
    • mem_limit: default MODERATE
    • ops_limit: default MODERATE
    • passphrase: user-supplied
  • secretstream_xchacha20poly1305
    • single push_final/pull_final with entire contents


This locked cipher is a simple pwHash type.

This locked cipher is based on security questions.

To lock a SeedBundle, we need a list of ciphers and their secrets. This builder allows specifying those, then generating the locked bytes.

This is the main struct for interacting with SeedBundles.


Enum of Locked SeedCipher types handled by this library.

Enum to specify limits (difficulty) for argon2id pwhashing algorithm.