Crate hb_error

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This crate defines from error related traits and generic implementations used by other hb projects.

ConvertFrom and ConvertTo

The ConvertFrom and ConvertInto traits as well as the default implementations are used to allow easy handling of Result objects. See hb_macro for use cases.


use hb_error::*;

struct ExampleError {
    IoError: std::io::Error,
// Convert from IO Error into a ParseError as ParseError implements the From<std::io::Error> trait
let er: Result<(),ExampleError> = Result::<(),std::io::Error>::Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "Example IO Error.")).convert();

Context and Context Documentation

the [context] and context_doc macros allow a simplified way to add context into errors that are generated within the functions. The example below shows how simple it is to set up a error type that can support auto-conversion and adding context via the [context] and context_doc macros. See [context], context_doc and hberror for more information on what that macro scaffolds for the error types.

use hb_error::*;

struct ExampleError {
    IoError: std::io::Error,

//Some functions to generate errors for the examples
fn io_error() -> std::io::Result<()> {
"Example IO Error.",

fn example_error() -> Result<(), ExampleError> {
Err(ExampleError::new().msg("Generated ExampleError."))

// Example
// Add context onto a fall through Err object of type ExampleError
// The fall through Err before the macro adds context will be:
// ExampleError {
//   msg: "Generated ExampleError.",
//   inner_error: vec![]
// }
// The err returned from this function (ie after the context macro changes it) will be:
// ExampleError {
//   msg: "additional context - basic example",
//   inner_error: vec!["Generated ExampleError."]
// }
#[context("addition context - basic example")]
fn basic_exampleerror() -> Result<(), ExampleError> {

// Example
// Convert from an io::Error into a ExampleError and add context
// The io::Error before conversion will be
// std::io::Error::new(
//     std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists,
//     "Example IO Error.",
// )
// after conversion but before the context is added the ExampleError will be:
// ExampleError {
//   msg: "encountered an IO Error",
//   inner_error: vec![]
// }
// The final error will be:
// ExampleError {
//   msg: "additional context - basic example" ,
//   inner_error: vec!["encountered an IO Error"]
// }
#[context("addition context - basic example")]
fn basic5_exampleerror() -> Result<(), ExampleError> {
return io_error();

See examples\ for more examples.


  • The ConvertFrom trait is based on the From trait and created to allow the implementation of conversion between Results where the Error type implements the From trait to convert to the new Error type.
  • The ConvertInto trait is based on the Into trait which is used to allow the conversion between Results that implement ConvertFrom.
  • The ErrorContext trait should be implemented for the context macro to work.

Attribute Macros

  • Converts Errors returned by the function into the correct type for the function as well adding a context message provided. There are many different situations that need to be handled. The context message can also have a special format to use variables in the context message.
  • Converts Errors returned by the function into the correct type for the function as well adding a context message provided. This macro will change the following function…
  • This macro is used to generate all of the boiler plate code for error types so that they all have the same format.