Module hashmap_settings::stg

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type abstraction Stg and other related elements.

Stg type abstraction

Setting is the trait that needs to be implemented for types for them to be turned into Stg

StgError Error on conversion from Stg or T<&Stg> into S: Setting

StgTrait Trait implement

§Example use of Stg in an Account:

use hashmap_settings::{account::Account,stg::{Setting,Stg,StgTrait,StgError}};
//creating an account
let mut account = Account::<(),&str,Stg>::default();

//inserting values of distinct types
account.insert("Number of trees",5.stg());
account.insert("Grass color","green".to_string().stg());
account.insert("Today is good",true.stg());

//getting values from the account
let today_bool: bool = account.get(&"Today is good").unstg()?;
let grass_color: String = account.get(&"Grass color").unstg()?;
let trees: i32 = account.get(&"Number of trees").unstg()?;

//example of using the values
print!("It's {today_bool} that today is a wonderful day,
    the grass is {grass_color} and I can see {trees} trees in the distance");




  • type abstraction for types implementing Setting

