Crate hapi_rs

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Rust bindings to Houdini Engine C API.

Official HAPI documentation:

Check out the examples:

cargo run --example ...

Building and running

HFS environment variable must be set for the build script to link to Houdini libraries.

For runtime discovery of Houdini libraries there are several options:

Mac & Linux

Option 1

Build with RPATH via the RUSTFLAGS variable:

RUSTFLAGS="-C link-args=-Wl,-rpath,/path/to/hfs/dsolib" cargo build

Option 2

Add a cargo config file to your project: .cargo/config

 [target.'cfg(target_os = "linux")']
 rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=-Wl,-rpath=/opt/hfs/19.5.368/dsolib"]
 rustflags = ["-C",

Option 3

At runtime via env variables: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux and $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on MacOS


Add $HFS/bin to the Windows $PATH variable.

API Overview

This crates tries hard to be nice and easy to use, hiding the inconvenient C API as much as possible while also trying to keep function names clear and close to original. To archive this, the crate wraps every single C struct in a new struct and provide getters/setters for its fields. All structs and enums have their HAPI_ prefix removed.

In addition all enum variants are shortened. For example:

// Original struct:
struct HAPI_NodeInfo {
   pub parmCount: ::std::os::raw::c_int,
// This crate's struct:
let info: crate::node::NodeInfo;
let count: i32 = info.parm_count();

// Original enum (C)
 enum HAPI_InputType {
// This crate's enum
enum InputType {
    Invalid = -1,
    Transform = 0,
    Geometry = 1,
    Max = 2

Some underlying structs don’t provide a direct way of creating them or they might not provide methods for modifying them, due to this crate’s attempt for proper data encapsulation and minimizing noise. Structs that you do need ability to create, implement Default and follow the Builder Pattern with convenient with_ and set_ methods:

let part_info = PartInfo::default()

Error type

All API calls return HapiError (HAPI_Result) In case of error, the HapiError struct contains an Option with an error message returned from the Engine. Additional error context is available in the context field of the error type.


Houdini Engine being C API, makes life a little harder for Rust programmer when it comes to strings. The crate chose to accept some overhead related to string conversion in exchange for a nicer API and easy of use.

For example getting/setting a parameter value will perform a conversion CString <-> String, but not in every situation such conversion is acceptable, for example reading geometry string attributes can be very expensive since we have do potentially thousands of CString to String conversions.

To aid this situation, the crate provides custom structs which implement different iterators, which return CString or String. See the stringhandle module for more info.


For loading digital assets and reading their parameters. Documentation
Geometry attributes access and iterators
All Engine API enums are here
Access to geometry data, attributes, reading and writing to disk
Rendering material textures to memory or disk
Manipulating Houdini nodes and networks, getting geometry and parameters
Reading and setting node parameters, setting expressions and keyframes.
Session is responsible for communicating with HAPI
String handling utilities and iterators
Volume and Heightfield APIs


Engine version this library was build upon
Error type returned by all APIs
Houdini version this library was build upon


Engine version this library was build upon
Houdini version this library was build upon

Type Definitions