Struct handy_io::io::BoxWriteTo [] [src]

pub struct BoxWriteTo<W, T>(_);

Boxed object which implements WriteTo trait.

This object can be created with the WriteTo::boxed method.

Trait Implementations

impl<W, T> Pattern for BoxWriteTo<W, T>

The value type associated to the pattern.

Takes a closure which maps a Result<Self::Value> to a pattern, and creates a pattern which calls that closure on the evaluation result of self. Read more

Takes a closure which maps a value to a pattern, and creates a pattern which calls that closure if the evaluation of self was succeeded. Read more

Takes a closure which maps an error to a pattern, and creates a pattern which calls that closure if the evaluation of self failed. Read more

Takes a closure which maps a value to another value, and creates a pattern which calls that closure on the evaluated value of self. Read more

Takes two patterns and creates a new pattern over both in sequence. Read more

Creates Repeat pattern to represent an infinite stream of this pattern.

impl<W: Write, T> WriteTo<W> for BoxWriteTo<W, T>

The future to write a value of the pattern to W.

Creates a future instance to write a value of the pattern to writer.

Creates a future instance to write a value of the pattern to writer. Read more

Scynchronously writing a value of the pattern to writer. Read more

Returns the boxed version of this pattern.