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Fluent helper for Handlebars.

This crate provides a Handlebars helper that can load Fluent strings.

Setting up the fluent helper with handlebars

The easiest way to use this is to use the simple_loader!() macro:

use handlebars_fluent::*;
use handlebars::*;
use serde_json::*;

simple_loader!(create_loader, "./locales/", "en-US");

fn init(handlebars: &mut Handlebars) {
    let loader = create_loader();
    let helper = FluentHelper::new(loader);
    handlebars.register_helper("fluent", Box::new(helper));

fn render_page(handlebars: &Handlebars) -> String {
    let data = json!({"lang": "zh-CN"});
    handlebars.render_template("{{fluent \"foo-bar\"}} baz", &data).unwrap()

You should have a locales/ folder somewhere with one folder per language code, containing all of your FTL files. See the simple_loader!() macro for more options.

Make sure the handlebars::Context has a toplevel “lang” field when rendering.

Using the fluent helper in your templates

The main helper provided is the {{fluent}} helper. If you have the following Fluent file:

foo-bar = "foo bar"
placeholder = this has a placeholder { $variable }

You can include the strings in your template with

{{fluent "foo-bar"}} <!-- will render "foo bar" -->
{{fluent "placeholder" variable="baz"}} <!-- will render "this has a placeholder baz" -->

You may also use the {{fluentparam}} helper to specify variables, especially if you need them to be multiline, like so:

{{#fluent "placeholder"}}
    {{#fluentparam "variable"}}
        first line
        second line

Multiple {{fluentparam}}s may be specified




  • Loads Fluent data at runtime via lazy_static to produce a loader.
