Expand description

Simplistic MCMC ensemble sampler based on emcee, the MCMC hammer

use hammer_and_sample::{sample, Model, Serial};
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use rand_pcg::Pcg64;

fn estimate_bias(coin_flips: &[bool]) -> f64 {
    struct CoinFlips<'a>(&'a [bool]);

    impl Model for CoinFlips<'_> {
        type Params = [f64; 1];

        // likelihood of Bernoulli distribution and uninformative prior
        fn log_prob(&self, &[p]: &Self::Params) -> f64 {
            if p < 0. || p > 1. {
                return f64::NEG_INFINITY;

            let ln_p = p.ln();
            let ln_1_p = (1. - p).ln();

                .map(|coin_flip| if *coin_flip { ln_p } else { ln_1_p })

    let model = CoinFlips(coin_flips);

    let walkers = (0..10).map(|seed| {
        let mut rng = Pcg64::seed_from_u64(seed);

        let p = rng.gen_range(0.0..=1.0);

        ([p], rng)

    let (chain, _accepted) = sample(&model, walkers, 1000, &Serial);

    // 100 iterations of 10 walkers as burn-in
    let chain = &chain[10 * 100..];

    chain.iter().map(|&[p]| p).sum::<f64>() / chain.len() as f64


Parallel execution strategy which updates walkers using Rayon’s thread pool

Serial execution strategy which updates walkers using a single thread


Execution strategy for updateing an ensemble of walkers to extend the given chain

Models are defined by the type of their parameters and their probability functions

Model parameters defining the state space of the Markov chain


Estimate the integrated auto-correlation time

Runs the sampler for iterations of the given model using the chosen execution strategy