Struct half_edge_mesh::mesh::HalfEdgeMesh [] [src]

pub struct HalfEdgeMesh {
    pub edges: HashMap<u32EdgeRc>,
    pub vertices: HashMap<u32VertRc>,
    pub faces: HashMap<u32FaceRc>,
    // some fields omitted

Half-Edge Mesh data structure While it's possible to create non-triangular faces, this code assumes triangular faces in several locations mesh.edges, mesh.vertices, and mesh.faces are HashMaps containing reference-counted Pointers to the mesh contents. Usually, these Rc values are the last values to exist. When they are destroyed, the pointed-to contents are destroyed as well. Vertex, edge, and face ids are mesh-specific and unique only within a certain mesh Integer overflow is undefined in Rust, but checked in debug builds. I think this means that it's possible to generate the same id twice, after 232-1 ids have been made. Try not to make more than 232-1 of any one of them, stuff might get messed up. TODO: Better error reporting, using a custom error type See also: Probably should do it whenever faces are added or a vertex is modified ? TODO: Better way of updating face-specific data like center and normals


edges: HashMap<u32EdgeRc> vertices: HashMap<u32VertRc> faces: HashMap<u32FaceRc>


impl HalfEdgeMesh

fn empty() -> HalfEdgeMesh

Constructs an empty mesh

fn from_tetrahedron_pts(p1: Point3<f32>, p2: Point3<f32>, p3: Point3<f32>, p4: Point3<f32>) -> HalfEdgeMesh

Construct a half edge mesh from four points that form a tetrahedron A half-edge mesh requires at least a tetrahedron to be valid p1: apex, p2: bottom left front, p3: bottom right front, p4: bottom rear

fn from_octahedron_pts(p1: Point3<f32>, p2: Point3<f32>, p3: Point3<f32>, p4: Point3<f32>, p5: Point3<f32>, p6: Point3<f32>) -> HalfEdgeMesh

Construct a half edge mesh from six points that form an octahedron p1: top apex, p2: mid left front, p3: mid right front, p4: mid left back, p5: mid right back, p6: bottom apex

fn from_face_vertex_mesh(vertices: &Vec<Point3<f32>>, indices: &Vec<[usize; 3]>) -> HalfEdgeMesh

Construct a half edge mesh from a Vec of vertices and a Vec of triplets of indices into the Vec of vertices.

fn new_edge_id(&mut self) -> u32

fn new_vert_id(&mut self) -> u32

fn new_face_id(&mut self) -> u32

fn push_edge(&mut self, edge: EdgeRc)

fn extend_edges(&mut self, edges: &[EdgeRc])

fn move_edges(&mut self, edges: Vec<EdgeRc>)

fn push_vert(&mut self, vert: VertRc)

fn extend_verts(&mut self, verts: &[VertRc])

fn move_verts(&mut self, verts: Vec<VertRc>)

fn push_face(&mut self, face: FaceRc)

fn extend_faces(&mut self, faces: &[FaceRc])

fn move_faces(&mut self, faces: Vec<FaceRc>)

fn add_triangle(&mut self, triangle: (FaceRc, EdgeRc, EdgeRc, EdgeRc))

Adds a tuple of (face, edge, edge, edge) to the mesh

fn make_triangle(&mut self, p1: &VertRc, p2: &VertRc, p3: &VertRc) -> (FaceRc, EdgeRc, EdgeRc, EdgeRc)

Takes three Rc>, creates three edges and one face, and connects them as well as it can Note: since this creates a lone triangle, edge.pair links are still empty after this function

fn are_faces_adjacent(&self, face_l: &FaceRc, face_r: &FaceRc) -> bool

Checks if two faces are adjacent by looking for a shared edge

fn are_face_ptrs_adjacent(&self, face_l: &FacePtr, face_r: &FacePtr) -> bool

fn triangulate_face(&mut self, point: Point3<f32>, target_face: &FaceRc)

Replace a face with three faces, each connected to the new point And one of the face's previous vertices TODO: Make all of these mesh-manipulation functions return a Result<(), &str> to check that manipulation was completed

fn triangulate_face_ptr(&mut self, point: Point3<f32>, face: &FacePtr)

fn attach_point_for_faces(&mut self, point: Point3<f32>, remove_faces: &Vec<FaceRc>) -> Result<Vec<FaceRc>, &'static str>

Attach a point to a mesh, replacing many faces (used for the convex hull algorithm) The faces should be a continuously connected group, each adjacent pair of vertices in the border of this group are connected to the point in a new triangular face. The programmer is responsible for ensuring that there are no holes in the passed set of faces. Returns Pointers to the new faces in the result, if successful

fn attach_point_for_face_ptrs(&mut self, point: Point3<f32>, faces: &Vec<FacePtr>) -> Result<Vec<FaceRc>, &'static str>

fn remove_vert(&mut self, vert: &VertRc) -> Result<(), &'static str>

This function should only work if the vertex has exactly three adjacent edges. Therefore, it has three adjacent faces. The vertices connected to those edges form a new face, and the faces and edges connected to the removed vertex are also removed

fn remove_vert_ptr(&mut self, point: &VertPtr) -> Result<(), &'static str>

fn flip_edge(&mut self, edge: &EdgeRc)

flips an edge between two faces so that the faces are each split by the other diagonal of the parallelogram they form.

fn flip_edge_ptr(&mut self, edge: &EdgePtr)

fn split_edge(&mut self, edge: &EdgeRc, tval: f32)

Inserts a vertex at the position, specified by tval, along edge.origin -> The edge's two neighboring faces are each split into two faces. All four new faces include the new vertex

fn split_edge_rc(&mut self, edge: &EdgePtr, tval: f32)